
Here you will find books, DVDs and resources that impart understanding of the laws surrounding access to education for those with learning disabilities in K-12 and higher education. 

Legal resources:

  Laws pertaining to learning disabilities:

          IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act  (2004) 

               [replaced 1975, Education of All Handicapped Children Act]

           IDEA and Students in Private Schools

          ESSA -  Every Student Succeeds Act  (2015)   

               [replaces ESEA - Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and NCLB - No Child Left Behind Act of 2001]

          ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act  (2008, 1990)

          Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

      Wrightslaw: K-12 Special Education Law and Advocacy

Navigating College with Learning Disabilities: 

      AHEAD: Association on Higher Education and Disability

      United States Department of Education: Office Of Civil Rights Students with Disabilities & Sec. 504

      How to file a Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint with the Office of Civil Rights

Advocacy Flow Chart

(1) What are my problems and goals?

(2) What public services are legally indicated to address my problems and reach my goals?

(3) What steps are required to get appropriate public services?

(4) What is the flowchart for services? How do I respond to undesirable system actions/inactions?

(5) Who can help me get what I need?

(6) How can I monitor and chart progress and hold the system accountable for results?